Goodbye to all that…

Goodbye to all that…

Into my seventh decade as a published author/editor/critic. Books and little magazines and manuscripts and photographs and ephemera on the 3rd floor have been building up, containing multitudes. It feels like forever that I've been talking to friends and family about...

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Deaths and Entrances – the plotless poem

Deaths and Entrances – the plotless poem

Friday afternoon, February 21 2025 - In the 11th floor rehearsal studio, inundated by Hunter Johnson's invasive score, bearing witness to the Martha Graham ensemble unspooling this episodic quasi-narrative under the impeccable guidance of Blakeley White-McGuire and...

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Jerome Rothenberg (1931-2024)

Jerome Rothenberg (1931-2024)

Half a century ago, when I was living in Buffalo, N.Y., having labored for a PhD in Modern American Poetry, I launched a "little magazine" (as we called them back then) The Niagara Magazine, that I edited and published for eight years. The Premier Issue, Summer 1974,...

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Paul Auster (1947-2024)

Paul Auster (1947-2024)

Reading Paul Auster's obituary this morning in The New York Times, I recall him as a gifted, elegant, cosmopolitan comrade and writer in the late 1970s, when my wife and I were starting a new life in Brooklyn Heights and Paul came over to our place for Roberta's...

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The Rite of Spring transforms the Martha Graham Studio

The Rite of Spring transforms the Martha Graham Studio

Thursday evening, March 13, 8:00 p.m., at 55 Bethune Street, 11th floor - The Martha Graham dancers introduce themselves after an incandescent, primal, thunderous, airborne, simultaneously rough-hewn and liquid rehearsal performance. Graham's 1984 re-vision of...

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