The 25th Protocol – a novel
Contrary to his instincts telling him “not to go there,” Balfour takes the manuscript home, where the hastily-scrawled words open a perilous door to the origins of a notorious anti-semitic forgery.

But this first hint is merely the tip of the iceberg, as Balfour’s curiosity leads him into a maelstrom of international espionage, anarchy and romance.
He finds himself in forbidden places — Soviet Russia, Basque Spain, Portugal, and Israel, among others — as well as lost in the labyrinthine byways of past eras — absinthe-drenched Paris, the wintry homes of the Czars, spy-infested Vienna, and Weimar Germany at the birth of the Third Reich.
There will be no easy escape as death looms nearer.
The 25th Protocol is a thriller combining the enigmatic puzzles of The Da Vinci Code with the breakneck pace of Robert Ludlum. It is a cautionary tale reminding that in a post-modern, media-saturated world, mere history books can no longer guarantee reassurance and comfort.